Contact person
Christian Bösch
Frauenriedhauserstrasse 19
89437 Haunsheim
VAT number: 109 191 47631
Mandatory information
The EU Commission has set up an internet platform for the online settlement of disputes (“ODR platform”) between traders and consumers: In the event of a dispute, I am not obliged or willing to participate in arbitration.
Further mandatory information according to § 2 DL-InfoV:
Professional liability insurance and pecuniary loss liability insurance with: To be submitted later
Territorial scope: To be submitted later.
Image credits
This website uses some of our own images and some external images. The latter come from a license-free source ( ). Own pictures were only used after consultation with the persons depicted.
Objection to advertising emails
We hereby object to the processing and use of personal data published within the scope of the legal notice obligation for the purpose of unsolicited/unsolicited advertising, address trading, donation advertising and market and opinion research. The website operator expressly reserves the right to take legal action in the event of the unsolicited sending of advertising information, for example through spam e-mails, as well as in the event of advertising calls etc. As the website owner, I am not responsible for external content linked to from my website.